Monday, January 17, 2011

Drinking in Islam

481 Narrated Ibn 'Umar: Allah's
Apostle said, "Whoever drinks
alcoholic drinks in the world and
does not repent (before dying),
will be deprived of it in the
482 Narrated Abu Huraira: On the
night Allah's Apostle was taken
on a night journey (Miraj) two
cups, one containing wine and
the other milk, were presented
to him at Jerusalem. He looked at
it and took the cup of milk.
Gabriel said, "Praise be to Allah
Who guided you to Al-Fitra (the
right path); if you had taken
(the cup of) wine, your nation
would have gone astray."
483 Narrated Anas: I heard from
Allah's Apostle a narration which
none other than I will narrate to
you. The Prophet, said, "From
among the portents of the Hour
are the following: General
ignorance (in religious affairs)
will prevail, (religious)
knowledge will decrease, illegal
sexual intercourse will prevail,
alcoholic drinks will be drunk (in
abundance), men will decrease
and women will increase so
much so that for every fifty
women there will be one man to
look after them."
484 Narrated Abu Huraira: The
Prophet said, "An adulterer, at
the time he is committing illegal
sexual intercourse is not a
believer; and a person, at the
time of drinking an alcoholic
drink is not a believer; and a
thief, at the time of stealing, is
not a believer." Ibn Shihab said:
'Abdul Malik bin Abi Bakr bin
'Abdur-Rahman bin Al- Harith
bin Hisham told me that Abu
Bakr used to narrate that
narration to him on the
authority of Abu Huraira. He
used to add that Abu Bakr used
to mention, besides the above
cases, "And he who robs (takes
illegally something by force)
while the people are looking at
him, is not a believer at the time
he is robbing (taking)
485 Narrated Ibn 'Umar: "Alcoholic
drinks were prohibited (by
Allah) when there was nothing
of it (special kind of wine) in
486 Narrated Anas: "Alcoholic drinks
were prohibited at the time we
could rarely find wine made
from grapes in Medina, for most
of our liquors were made from
unripe and ripe dates.
487 Narrated Ibn 'Umar: 'Umar
stood up on the pulpit and said,
"Now then, prohibition of
alcoholic drinks have been
revealed, and these drinks are
prepared from five things, i.e..
grapes, dates, honey, wheat or
barley And an alcoholic drink is
that, that disturbs the mind.
488 Narrated Anas bin Malik: I was
serving Abu 'Ubaida, Abu Talha
and Ubai bin Ka'b with a drink
prepared from ripe and unripe
dates. Then somebody came to
them and said, "Alcoholic drinks
have been prohibited." (On
hearing that) Abu Talha said,
"Get up. O Anas, and pour
(throw) it out! So I poured
(threw) it out.
489 Narrated Anas: While I was
waiting on my uncles and
serving them with (wine
prepared from) dates----and I
was the youngest of them----it
was said, "Alcoholic drinks have
been prohibited." So they said
(to me), "Throw it away." So I
threw it away.
490 Narrated Anas bin Malik:
Alcoholic drinks were prohibited.
At that time these drinks used
to be prepared from unripe and
ripe dates.

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